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Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
[ · Скачать удаленно (2.7mb) ] 03.04.2011, 00:45

Год выпуска: 2008
Издательство: Creative Commons
Автор Albert Sweigart
ISBN: 978-0-9821060-0-6
Формат: PDF
Количество страниц: 331
This is a book that will show you how to make computer games. All you need is a computer, some software called the Python Interpreter, and this book. The software is free. You can download it at no charge from the Internet. This book will show you how to set up your computer and program a few games. Once you learn how these games work, you will be able to use that knowledge to create games of your own. 
When I was a kid, I found a book like this that taught me how to write my first programs and games. It was fun and easy. Now as an adult, I still have fun programming computers as a job, and I get paid for 
it. But even if you don't become a computer programmer when you grow up, programming is a useful and fun skill to have. (I still sometimes invent my own computer games.) Computers are very useful machines. In the future, knowing how to program a computer may be as useful as knowing how to read a book. The good news is that learning to program isn't as hard as 
learning to read. If you can read this book, you can program a computer. 
To tell a computer what you want it to do, that is, to program a computer, you will need to learn the computer's language. There are many different programming languages: Basic, Java, Python, Pascal, Haskell, and C++ (pronounced, "see plus plus"). The book I read when I was a kid taught me BASIC programming. Back then, most people who started to learn programming would learn to program in BASIC. But new programming languages have been invented since then. This book is about Python programming. Python is even easier to learn than Basic. Not only is it easy, but it is also a serious and useful programming language. Many adults use 
Python in their own jobs and hobbies. That’s why I chose to make this book about Python programming. 
Категория: Python | Добавил: mihanyayalta | Теги: Python, programming, GUI, Python language, game, developer, source code
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